5 Love Languages Vlog
Posted: August 4, 2020
Hi there!
As a couples counsellor specializing in premarital counselling, I love talking about relationship resources and tools.
In previous weeks in this relationship series of videos, I spoke about communication, conflict resolution, and keeping the intimacy alive. Please feel free to check those videos out if you haven’t already. In upcoming weeks, I will be covering boundaries, adult attachment, how to manage struggles, and personality differences. In this vlog, I will be talking about Love Languages.
In Gary Chapman’s book, “The 5 Love Languages,” he writes about:
It is helpful to know not only what your primary love language is, but also that of your partner, so that you can express love in a way that actually feels heard and meaningful. In this way, you can fill each other’s love tanks. In this vlog, I will go through each love language. Click here to watch my vlog on 5 Love Languages:
1. Words of Affirmation - this means giving your partner compliments or words of appreciation. They can be encouraging words, kind words, gentle words, words verbal or in writing, and even indirect words where you say positive things about your partner to other people. For those whose primary language is Words of Affirmation, words are important. This also means that negative words to them are extra hurtful, and so is being distracted or interrupting when they are trying to talk. Try giving your partner one compliment every day! Some examples of compliments from Dr. Chapman’s book are (p.37-38):
- Words of Affirmation
- Quality Time
- Receiving Gifts
- Acts of Service
- Physical Touch

- “You look sharp in that suit.”
- “Do you ever look hot in that dress! Wow!”
- “I really like how you’re always on time to pick me up at work.”
- “Thanks for getting the babysitter lined up tonight. I want you to know I don’t take that for granted.”
- “I love how you are so responsible. I feel like I can count on you.”
- going away for a weekend together
- meet up for lunch just the two of you
- get a babysitter and go out for dinner
- sit and talk together at the end of the day
- go on a picnic as a family
- take a vacation together at least once a year
- go for walks together
- taking up a hobby together
- gardening together
- shopping together
- going to a concert together
- inviting another couple over for dinner
- go for a bike ride together
- workout together
- box of candy
- flowers delivered
- stone or feather you saw along a walk
- handcrafted painting you did
- a book you know he/she has been meaning to read or has an interest in
- give to his/her favourite charity on his/her birthday
- doing the dishes
- vacuuming
- weeding the garden
- organizing the office
- preparing coffee just how she/he likes it
- take the car for service
- prepare dinner
- do the laundry
- helping with a project
- helping with an item on the to-do list
- holding hands
- massage
- kissing
- foreplay without intention of intercourse
- giant hugs
- a touch on the shoulder
- a playful pat on the bottom
- playing footsies under the table
- putting your arm around your partner while watching a show