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Group workshops

Upcoming Workshops based on the Gottman Method:


Thank you to those who attended this recent workshop! We had a blast, and it was great to network with other therapists in Ontario!


Beck will be virtually presenting on the 7 Principles for Couples on Friday March 7, 2025 at 12noon. This will be a free workshop being offered to a diverse range of couples, including same sex couples.

To register for Beck's Workshop, click on "Register Here", below:

REGISTER for Beck's 7 Principles Diversity Workshop Here


Susan will be virtually presenting on the "7 Principles for Making Marriage Work" for Christian Couples on Saturday March 22nd at 10am. This one hour free webinar will be an opportunity to hear how the Gottman Method can help you to foster friendship and better manage conflict.  

To register for Susan's workshop, please contact 

REGISTER for Susan's Gottman for Christian Couples Here



If you own a group practice and your team is interested in learning more about the Gottman Method, Melissa is happy to come and present an "Introduction to the Gottman Method" as a one hour workshop to them. She is a Certified Gottman Therapist and has a passion for working with couples. Let's talk about doing a webinar exchange! 

Please reach out to Melissa to discuss your specific needs/requests further.   


Do you have a premarital or marriage small group at your church? I would be happy to speak to them about the Evidence-based Gottman Model using the "7 Principles for Making Marriage Work." This could be done as a 7-week workshop series or a one-day event. 

Please reach out to Melissa to discuss your specific needs/requests further.   

This picture is from a recent Premarital Gottman full-day workshop at Portico Church in Mississauga!

Among those who answered in the evaluation, 73% indicated that the workshop drew them closer as a couple!

In addition, it was unanimous (100%!!) that the workshop made participants feel better equipped to manage conflicts that may come up in the future.

Congratulations to the door prize winners, who won a copy of the book, "7 Principles for Making Marriage Work"! 

(Photo used with winner's permission)


Melissa is happy to present to your team or workplace about Cultural Sensitivity in working with clients. This could be offered anywhere between a one hour workshop to a full day workshop. 

Please reach out to Melissa to discuss your specific needs/requests further.   


Any of Melissa's workshops could be recorded or photographed and used for a future podcast or put on YouTube/this website. By participating, you are acknowledging and consenting that the workshop may be recorded.


Other premarital or couple workshops are provided based upon demand. 

Past workshops have included:

  • Wellness Wheel Workshop Series
  • 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work (based on Gottman's book). This has been offered for couples and for therapists working with couples
  • Cultural Sensitivity 
  • 5 Love Languages (Chapman)
  • Hold Me Tight (Johnson)

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