Happy Mother's Day!!
Posted: May 8, 2016
It’s Mother’s Day today!
A day charged with expectations and obligations. A day meant to honour our mothers and show her our appreciation for her carrying us in her womb for nine months. A day for brunch, manis and pedis and afternoon tea. A day for flowers and balloons and mushy cards.
Not every person can celebrate Mother’s Day in this way. What if your mother would rather you help out in their backyard than go for brunch (like mine!!). What if your relationship with your mother is complicated and you haven’t spoken to her in years? What if you were adopted and you never met your birth mother?
Mother’s day is not just for birth mothers. It is for foster mothers, adoptive mothers, furry mommy mothers. It could even be for that neighbour or close family friend who you always got good advise from.
Mother’s day, much like Valentine’s day, should be celebrated every day. Showing our appreciation for that person throughout the year. It is to celebrate that one person, whoever it was, who was there for you through thick and thin. That person who wiped your snotty nose when you were sick, who listened to you when you had a bad day at school, who nagged at you to clean up your room.
So whoever that special person was to you, show them you care today and that you’re thinking of them.
Happy Mother’s Day!!