First In/Fertility Support Group A Success!

Joy and I were so happy that we had interest in our group, and are grateful that it was a success.  We were glad that the group participants were able to share openly in a safe and confidential setting, and we were all able to learn from each other. We did several activities, and one of them was to draw a picture to demonstrate your supports.  One participant drew a picture which I found really depicted how important having supports are, and she was gracious to give me permission to post it here on my website.  On the left side is a flower lonely, sad, desolate.  On the right side is a full garden in bloom and thriving, with the support of the sun and nourishment.  I thought this was a beautiful visual and wanted to share it here. This is such a difficult topic, but there is support out there, and we are glad we are among those able to offer it.  Our next group is March 20th from 7-9pm.