Thank-you for your support!

[caption id="attachment_117" align="alignright" width="199" caption="What an amazing show of support at the launch event!"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_116" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Enjoying some social time at the event launch"][/caption]     Thank-you to my friends, family and colleagues who came out to support me for my private practice launch event on September 9, 2012! It was a great success, with over 20 people taking the time to show their support.  I could feel the love in the room, and it really meant a lot to have you all there.  What a marvelous way to begin this new journey of mine!  Also it was a great opportunity for everyone to hear the approach and the services that The Couple Wellness Expert has to offer.  I am grateful that my little slide show presentation went over well! Thanks again! Be Well, Melissa, The Couple Wellness Expert