My Upcoming Book on Marriage!!!

I am so excited to announce that I will be writing a book on marriage!  I met with a publisher this weekend, and things are in the works!  My tentative title is "The Lasting Marriage: 9 ways to prevent divorce".  What do you think?  Please give me your feedback on the title. The book will be giving useful and practical advise on enriching your relatioship and how to avoid becoming a divorce statistic.  My passion is to help people with their relationships, regardless of what point they are in their relationship.  You could be a premarital couple who want to form a strong foundation for your lifelong marriage.  Or you could be a couple who are content with your relationship but wish to enrich it by bringing it to the next level of closeness and connection.  Or you could be a couple in distress who want to make the effort to make it work rather than going through the heart-ache of divorce. Whatever point you are at in your relationship, this book will help you and your partner get and keep a loving, happy marriage!  Please subscribe to my newsletter to stay tuned to the progress of my upcoming book!!!!