Relationship Resolutions Retreat!

I am so excited to announce that I am hosting my first couples weekend retreat!  It will be on my Relational Wellness Wheel, which covers all areas of wellness: Financial, Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Social, Vocational, Sexual, and Environmental. I will be having experts on each area of wellness talk and share their insights and advise.  I will talk about the latest research of how each of these areas of wellness affects your romantic relationship.  Highly interactive and informational.  Together, we will help you to achieve your new year's resolutions! This Couples Retreat will be held at my office at 3962 Bloor Street West, Etobicoke from January 17-19! Friday January 17th from 7-9pm Saturday January 18th from 9am-4pm (light lunch provided) Sunday January 19th from 9am-4pm Make your resolutions a reality with this 3 day couple wellness retreat! Light lunch will be provided on Saturday $290 per couple Only $250 if you book by January 3, 2014 with promo code: BLOG Space is limited, please contact me today to register.